Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Internal Options Begin Today

Today (Sept.26), we are splitting the class into Chemistry and Biology sections.  The extra chemistry unit serves as preparation for Chemistry at the Grade 11 level as well as introduction to some lab techniques.  The extra biology unit covers muscles and includes an investigation of muscles and factors that affect their performance.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Journal Entry & Some videos to check out

Journal #5
Chemistry All Around Us

Today, we have looked at a few examples of physical change (where no new matter is created) and chemical change (where bonds are broken and reformed to make new substances that are chemically different).Focus Question #1:Briefly reflect on the examples of physical & chemical change that you saw today (from video or demos)Focus Question #2:Describe at least 5 examples of chemical change that we see in the environment and/or our daily lives.

Two videos... the first one was used to review physical vs. chemical change and it was applicable to Journal entry #3.

The next video is an extra about global warming and it's an add on to the topic of combustion.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Chemistry Unit Facile ASSIGNMENT (Sept.17)

Hello Grade 10s... for the chemistry unit we will be studying atomic structure, physical and chemical changes with a focus on combustion and oxidation. Students who like chemistry and are considering doing it as an option course next year should let Mr.Renouf / Mr.Hodge know sometime this week.

 Your facile learning assignment is to do the following:

  • lesson 1 topics#1-4, 
  • lesson 2 topics#2&3

         Please click through and attempt the quiz at the end of each topic. Marks will be given for completing your task on or before Sunday, September 24th 2012 (however, we highly recommend that you do the click-through before Wednesday, September 20th).  Expect an in-class/homework assignment on Thursday, September 20th to be done for marks.

Journal Entry (#2b)

For students who missed an entry (required) or feel like writing an extra one (optional). Please consider the following issue.

Journal entry #2b
Title: New Brunswick Clearcutting

Background: Driving through New Brunswick we often get the impression of an endless forest. Little do we know but a few metres beyond the road, there is often clear cut logging going on.  Check out the photo below.

Focus Question:  What do you think about Canada's forestry companies? What concerns do you have? What are the benefits of a healthy forestry industry?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Intro to Atomic Structure Videos

Watch these before class next Monday... have a nice weekend. Intro to atoms Atoms & Electrons

Quiz Today (Wed. Sept.12)

Just a quick reminder... the study questions are on google drive if you missed them. Mr.H & Mr.R

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Disturbances and Ecological Succession

Hello Everyone, Learn about what happens after a big disturbance in this video about ecological succession which we will cover in Thursday's class (Sept 6th). Checka-la-tcho!.

Usage Update

Hi All, Numbers a little down from what we were hoping for. About 1/3 of you have logged into FACILE learning and done the topic walkthrough and quiz... be reminded that it should be done by Wednesday night (so you have all day TODAY!). As for the homework, we have received images or photos from 7 students online, so try to get them in ASAP to be used for the collage and as participation marks. For the survey, we have 18 out of 34 students responding. So for those of you that haven't done your homework, get cracking.