Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How a barometre works...

please use this video to assist your understanding how how a barometre works and to do your technical analysis of the device.

Expect this assignment to be due at the end of next week (around Nov 30th)... if you have questions, then please ask us during the next few days :D

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Updates and due dates

Hello Science Peeps,

About the friction lab, it seems that some groups are not sharing information incredibly well and cooperating to get the discussion answers finished up.  You are reminded that the data may be copied (& procedure to some extent) and shared but the other work (procedures, discussion questions, and abstract) should be in your own words. That being should analyze and discuss your answers with your group!
DUE DATE remains: Wednesday, Nov 21st 2012.  For assignments handed in next Monday, Nov 26th expect a 10% penalty.

Your science journal also remains due tomorrow along with the analysis of motion transmission and transformation from today`s class.

Today`s lesson is on motion systems, hope you did your facile homework! For further review, check out the online animation at the CDP website.
Mechanisms Animation

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A little reminder

Hi Sec4,

Remember to do your facile learning assignment for tomorrow (Nov 15th)... it was originally due today but since we will be working on the lab and its write-up all class, I`m giving an automatic extension to those who haven`t had a chance to login and do the engineering section, topics 3 & 4.

next collection date for materials will be on Wednesday, Nov 21st.
- journal entry number 7
- lab write-up
+ ???

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Journal entry

Hi folks,

A journal entry about Theo Jansen's wind sculptures is now in the journals section.  To be previewed in class on Weds, Nov 7th 2012.


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New Section: Mechanical Engineering

Hi All,

To introduce the topic of mechanical engineering, we've posted a few videos about what mechanical engineers do.  If you're interested then let us know!

here a sample project (challenge)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Facile Assignment (due Nov 6th)

You are required to visit the Facile website to go through AND do the quiz for:

Lesson 8 Engineering
--> Topic 5: Links and Guidance

The Quiz (3 multiple choice Qs only!) must be completed before 1pm on Tues, Nov. 6. 

2 marks awarded for completion and then 1 mark per correct answer for a total out of 5.

End of Term Smoke Bomb!

Hi Science 4,

Hope all your materials are in as the official last day of term is today!

Now, about yesterday...the good news is that the smoke that many of us breathed in on Thursday is not toxic... it is an irritant that could lead to coughing, and red eyes.  So what was that stuff anyways?

Basically, it was a science demo that got away.  Pure phosphorous is a non-metal that reacts readily with oxygen to form P4O10 (also known by its empirical formula P2O5 and name diphosphorous pentoxide).

Here's the chemical equation

           4 P (s)   +  5 O2 (g)  -->  P4O10 (s)

Small pieces of white phosphorous are usually chipped off a stick and as it is exposed to air an OXIDATION REACTION occurs.  The phosphorus combines with oxygen from the air to make P4O10 "smoke."  The reaction also releases  heat (it's highly exothermic) and produces light.  If too much reacts at the same time, we get issues!

Interested in seeing more???

White phosphorous has been used in warfare as it ignites quickly and it makes a lot of smoke.  If a piece of white phosphorus came from a grenade or bomb and got on/into your skin, it would burn you and leave tissue damage. There are many cases of civilians being hit by white phosphorous bombs and being covered in white phosphorous leading to severe burns and death.

 Have a safe and smoke free day!