Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Series & Parallel Circuits - Video to assist assignment

Check out this video and think about the questions that follow. The questions below and a few more now form a review assignment (given on Feb.7, available on our google drive).  For extra tutorial, go to facile learning, we recommend lesson 15 topics #1, 2, 3 for voltage, current and resistance in circuits and #5 for some practice with series circuit calculations. (note: equivalent resistance in a parallel circuit will not be tested but if you're interested, please look!)

Part A:Compare Series and Parallel Circuits

                                                                    series circuit                           parallel circuit
1.  How many loops are there?

2.  (a) Brightness of 1 bulb?
     (b) Brightness of 2 bulbs?

3. What happens to the circuit when a bulb blows?

4. What happens to the current when a bulb is added?

Part B: General questions.
5. What is the disadvantage to using parallel circuits?
6. How do you check current (how do you connect an ammeter to the circuit)?
7. How do you check voltage (how do you connect an voltmeter to the circuit)?

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Bell

Hi Applied Science 4,

To help you study, I have burned a copy of the exam video from 2012 to a mac in the library.  It's the mac on the hallway wall with flowers as the desktop background.  Just look for the file on  desktop and click. It should open easily.

The answer key is still on google docs and you should already have your own copy of the 2012 tech part of the exam.

Good luck,

Monday, January 14, 2013

Pre-midyear exam update

hi Folks...

as Term 2 draws to a close, here is the plan for this week:

Tuesday Jan 15th:

  • Looking at power and related calculations,
  • The slideshow will be posted soon 

Thursday Jan 17th:

  • Finishing up power and related calculations,
  • Midyear exam overview and some review questions
  •  but you can always begin reviewing by looking over your old tests and making summary notes & check out the review pack that was made for summer school 2012.

Friday Jan 18th:

Friday Jan 25th:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Don't get ZAP-ZAPPED!

Hi Folks,

Long time no update.  Anyways, please recall being safe with electricity even though we are using low currents in our labs!

I've included a few interesting videos for your viewing.

1. Something kewl to do with a Tesla Coil.
Nikola Tesla was an amazing inventor and engineer who invented the Tesla Coil.  His dream was to stream electricity wirelessly through the air to supply the electricity needs of a city. His invention only works over short distances but his ideas were revolutionary.  This demo is kinda neat.

2. A TED talk about Nikola Tesla.
Nikola Tesla was an incredible scientist and engineer.  His creativity was awesome yet he was pushed away from his work.  This TED talk explains a bit of his life story.

3. Conduction in metals (heat & electrons)
A nice animated explanation about conduction from the Eureka Series.