Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What sort of world do you want?

A few years ago, a girl named Severn Suzuki gave a speech at the UN.  She challenged the political leaders to  think about how they want to live and create a better world.  Take a look and reflect on what type of world that you want to live in, what type of world you want for future generations.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Energy Resources Research & Discussion Project

Earth Day celebration in Maria on Sunday... so try to attend or do your own thing to honour our beautiful home called Earth. Below is a videoclip from Greenpeace... have a look.

  • Project description is on google drive already under the Earth, Air and Water unit
  • Here are the research assignments

Research Team
Research Team
Joe (to be confirmed)
Hannah & Cassey

Dylan & Kyle
Uranium (nuclear)
Mike W & Jordan
River current
Jessie & Joy

Hydro (dams)
Ryan & Alex
Karen & Haley

Molly & Courtney
Biofuel (ethanol)
Aly & Jason

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hot Springs of Japan

We've been talking about the Lithosphere and how we can get energy from it. In some places of the world, geothermal energy is much more prevalent where people get heat from the ground.

Japan is a country on the Pacific ring of fire meaning that it is prone to earthquakes and vulcanism (volcanoes nearby) but it also means that hot magma lies closer to the Earth's surface and this energy can be used for:

  • hot baths (spas)
  • steam oven
  • home heating
  • power generation
Below is look at the city of Beppu which is a great spot for taking a bath and seeing hot springs.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Shale Gas Debate

Shale gas exploration is a hot topic in the Gaspe as companies like Petrolia seek to explore the area for petroleum (hydrocarbons).  Trapped within specific areas of the Earth`s crust, we have things like natural gas and crude oil.  It seems that the shale formations of the Gaspe coast could yield a lot of natural gas.  What is the best course of action? What needs to be considered?

Here`s a funny look at how Quebecers view shale gas.

Here`s something more serious... what is fracking??? This is a report from 16x9 by Global News.

What`s your opinion?