Monday, May 27, 2013

2012 June Science exam

Hard copies were given out today.  Answer key is already online in the appropriate folder.  Come see us for a copy of the old 2012 exam.

Stress busting video...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's getting hot in here

Yup..exams they are a coming.  We're trying to get all your study resources together in one place... as a part of your google drive, we've added a folder that is just for study materials and old exams.  Check it out.

Good luck... you've got only a few weeks left.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Forces & Motion Review Videos

In this review, we present videos that will help you with:
1. understanding gravity and how it affects how much you weigh
2. undertstanding the relationship between distance, speed and time
3. why planes fly (Bernouilli effect) and ships float (Buoyancy)

4. how to transfer force through fluids (Pascal`s principle)